Springing forward... come say hello at the Ellen and Arbor story cafe!
Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well and continuing to cope with life under lockdown. As you know, it's been an extra exciting year for me in terms of literary news with the publication of Ellen and Arbor, and I'm delighted to say that I also recently reached the halfway point in writing novel number two! If you fancy learning a little more about my writing, hearing a live extract from Ellen and Arbor and getting the chance to ask a question or two (don't worry, I'm very friendly!) then why not log on to Glasgow Women's Library's Story Cafe special featuring yours truly on 22nd April! I'm beyond thrilled to get the opportunity to discuss this little novel with a big heart, and I'd love to see you there. It's free, fun and a fantastic opportunity to meet likeminded literature lovers - click here to book your place and I look forward to seeing you soon!
